Crystallex International

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Workers paralyze activities in Venrus a.c.
Tuesday, 22 of February of 2011

Six years with the payable hiring and the lack of investment for the support of the Isidora mine, it was the drop that spilled the glass of the patience of the miners who toil in the mixed company.

Natalie Garci'a

Employees of Venrus a.c., the first mining mixed company of the country, located in the Pebble, paralyzed their activities this Sunday at night to demand the respect to the continuity of the contract of the State with Rusoro Mining, that allows to the improvement of the company and the accomplishment of investments that go as well to the benefit of the labor mass that is 6 years old with the payable collective convention.

Ruby Chirinos, act secretary and correspondence of Sintracallao, the union that makes life within the mine Isidora de Venrus, explained that they have initiated the protest actions in view of which their reclamations before the National Assembly and the Ministry of Basic Industries and Mining have not been taken into account.

“We went to talk with minister Jose Khan and they almost remove us from the building in Caracas with the security, we went to the National Assembly we presented/displayed a series of forceful tests, until now has been no answer and we are tired, the workers ask that the destiny of the company is defined, that the 650 kilos of gold are passed to the assets of Venrus that at present suffers a deep crisis where there is no money for the investment and the payment of the workers”.

Of equal way the leader asserted that he enters the requests that the competent beings do appears the discussion of a new collective contract, which is six years old of won, and the restoration to the company of Edwar Lopez, Secretary General of the union; Jose Infant, secretary of work and reclamation; Alan Grouse, secretary of organization and his person, that were dismissed.

To add to win
He called to the colectivity to be united in this fight, including the miners of Quassia, those of the Ramona and the community generally indicating that the situation that afflicts to the plant harms all.

Similarly he requested the exit of minister Khan of his position “for being responsible for the bankruptcy of the basic companies and not to give answers to the problems posed in repeated opportunities, we also demanded the exit of all their executive train between which Laura is included Walls, of Venrus, to contribute to the sharp deterioration of the companies”.

Until now the paralyzation of the miner only includes to the Isidora deposit, located in the Pebble, but for today it hopes that the Camorra, in the Sifontes municipality, also adds/sinks to strike in search of improvements for the company and its workers.

Chirinos denounced that the National Guard has been present from early good in the facilities of Venrus, but about the 5:00 of afternoon of this Monday they threatened some workers and they assembled its rifles when a group of employees protested to him to some managers who became presents in the deposit.

More action

For today old Hecla is hoped that there are more manifestations in the Isidora mine, where the workers are to the expectation reason why he can happen in view that are more than six years old without contract, the conditions of security in the mine go of evil in worse, and the company does not have money because according to Ruby Chirinos, act secretary and correspondence, “there are for year and a half 540 kilos of gold that do not appear”.

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