Crystallex International

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French commission studies auriferous deposits in the country
Monday, 21 of February of 2011

Geologists and experts in Metalogénesis take samples from grounds and the extracted mineral of the Pebble with the endorsement of CVG Minerven.

CVG Minerven finances a binational mining project between the University Paul Sabatier of France and the Central University of Venezuela, with the aim of studying the geologic origin of Colombia Mine, discovering their data and to understand how their fluids of mineralization formed.

In that sense the state miner informed by means of a press note that a delegation of experts traveled from France to the Pebble, to take the fourth mining sample in the vein from Colombia Mine and to take it to the French laboratories, where they will study his geologic factors.

“This project already has four years and with him we dealt to understand how deposits formed auriferous Venezuelan, in what time and which were the geologic factors that were present in the process, which will soon allow to raise an exploration model to look for other similar deposits in Guayana”, Germa'n expressed Velasquez, engineer-geologist, who attends a doctorate in the University Paul Sabatier.

It added that already studies have realised in Mine Colombia another that is in phase of analysis in the European nation, whose first results determine that Venezuela is a rich gold country with the deposits determined like giants, within the classification that is had for auriferous veins.

“The intention to make these analyses is to advance in the scientific information of the Venezuelan deposits, because we know that they have a great potential, but is no the sufficient necessary information of the subject or it has not been deepened since it would have to become. For that reason we thank for that CVG Minerven supports to us economically, for this mining company these studies are important”, limited Velasquez.

With respect to the proposal of extension from level 7 to level 11 of Colombia Mine that develops CVG Minerven, Velasquez affirmed that with “with our studies we could complement and to determine if in fact exists the extension capacity, besides the level of its gold reserves, its age, the type of rock, which were the fluids that generated the geologic and geochemical mineralization and all the other details of the deposit”.

Others of the benefits will be the qualification of the Venezuelan personnel, on the part of experts in metalogénesis of France, which will allow that after this project they are continued with the geologic studies.

The professor of the University Paul Sabatier, Dizier Beziat, showed that it is the first time that travels to South America, but said to be conscious that Venezuela counts on important auriferous deposits, similar to those of Africa of the West.

“When they proposed to me to come to study the Venezuelan deposits, I was very interested, because this way we will be able to make the correlation between those of Venezuela and Africa of the West, to verify if really they are brother, that is to say if they were formed under the same geologic processes, if they have the same age and equal type of fluid”. (It presses CVG Minerven)

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