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If Hugo thinks he has a great friend in russian friendship he has a great revelation coming. If he thinks his relationship with Russia and his new friendship will be to be on the good side for him and to his advantage, this is not supported by Russia's historical past. He has put himself into the RussianBear trap. This is brand new for South American diplomacy. And Hugo, the nieve, is the goat. Good for you that you spent $4B on unnessary armaments from russia which will cost you 20% of that amount annually to maintain it. And you owe them Las Cristinas by your shear stupidity and nievity of history. You just got f**d and suck in with all the ceremonies in Moscow and lifting of the vodka plus a warship visit by them. You must have been impressed and had a great photo-op. MY goodness can you imagine russia's biggest warship visiting Vz and I was on it, hoisting the cocktalsil! This ship has never been out of the Baltic seas in a decade. Why do you think a Russian warship visited you out of the blue. Stupid.

There goes your GDP maintaining decrepit Russian technology. They got ou by the a**. Get out of it while you can.

In term of Human atrocities and exploitation perpetuated by Russia since 1945, Russian leaders have exploited their countrymen for centuries. It is their legacy of human abuse and atrocities. Stalin treated his people like shit on a mudpile and sent 5 Million of his own people to death.

This is a warning to Hugo if he thinks all will be hunky dory with Agapov and his new friends, In my polemic once Rusoro gets fully established in Vz the workers for RML will be the slaves of Russia and treated and exploited like they are in their own country. for now. Free countries like Canada and USA quarantee, by following past history the respect and admiration of the commom worker. RML may be registered in Canada for convenience but RML is 1000% Russia. I'll bet Nasdeq will never let them in. The bastedrs are exploiters. If I had the power, RML should be kicked out of Canada right now. Our country is being used for their convenience and expoitation and is not welcome on the market in any other country. And never will be. Because they are thieves.

Hugo, you are a stupid nieve man. Read the history of Russia, even today nothing has changed in their abuse and exploitation of the workers. The conundrum of the communist principles is their complaint about the exploitation of the common worker worker by capatilism. And. The doctrine of communism is for all people to work for free for the common good of the country. That's why annual income in Cuba and other communist countries is $400 a month or less. This is control of the common man because they can not accumulate wealth to make a difference in their lives. What can be more of an example of the exploitation of the common worker by this diguise. That is the stupitity of communism and why it has failed. Carl Marx is dead and so is his ideology. Cuba should revolt.

This article about Russia the violators of human rights inspired me to write this polemic of a country run by a bunch of exploiters of the common man.

LONDON — Russia has expelled a British journalist who wrote about allegations the country under Vladimir Putin has become a "virtual mafia state," reports the Guardian newspaper of London.

Luke Harding, the Guardian's Moscow correspondent, is believed to be the first British staff journalist removed from the country since the end of the cold war, the Guardian said.

Harding wrote about Wikileaks cables for the newspaper and included the allegations about the Russia, the Guardian said.

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Russia refused to let Harding in when he flew back to Moscow over the weekend after spending two months in London on the Wikileaks reporting, the paper said.

Harding's passport was checked on his arrival, the Guardian said. After 45 minutes in an airport cell, Harding was sent back to the United Kingdom on the first available plane, it said.

His visa was annulled and his passport was returned to him on the plane, the paper said.

All Harding was told by airport security official working for the Federal Border Service was, "For you Russia is closed," the Guardian said.

British government authorities have not been able to learn any details, the paper said.

"This is clearly a very troubling development with serious implications for press freedom, and it is worrying that the Russian government should now kick out reporters of whom they disapprove," said Alan Rusbridger, Guardian editor-in-chief. "Russia's treatment of journalists — both domestic and foreign — is a cause of great concern. We are attempting to establish further details, and are in contact with the Foreign Office."

Story: WikiLeaks' Assange fights extradition at hearing

The Guardian said the last prominent British journalist expelled by Russia was Angus Roxburgh, kicked out in 1989 after then Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher asked 11 Russian spies to leave London. Roxburgh returned a few months later after the fall of communism while working for the BBC.

Harding was briefly detained in April 2010 in Ingushetia after a visit to the troubled the Caucasus region, the Guardian said. In May he interviewed the Dagestani father of Mariam Sharipova, a suicide bomber who killed 26 people on the Moscow Metro in March 2010.

In December, a Harding article about WikiLeaks reported that Putin was likely to have known about the planned assassination of former spy Alexander Litvinenko because of the Russian prime minister's "attention to detail," the paper said.

Harding also co-authored a book, "WikiLeaks: Inside Julian Assange's War on Secrecy."

"I didn't go out to Russia with any particular agenda and I'm sad to leave under these circumstances," the Guardian quoted Harding as saying. "But I do not think journalists can accept self-censorship."

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