Copper Fox Metals Inc.

Welcome To the Copper Fox Metals Inc. HUB On AGORACOM Copper Fox Metals is a Canadian-based resource company focused on developing the world-class Schaft Creek Project in northwestern British Columbia.

Hadn't been to in a while to look up CUU - the Dec. 7, 2011 Amended and Restated Annual Information Form has all sorts of interesting tidbits. Lots on how the cores samples are treated (including duplicate samples) and also good info repeating what we already know about the Paramount Zone - that it is higher grade and is going to add to the value of the deposit significantly.

I highlight one bit below from the document that talks about more exploration - this has already been talked about on the board plenty. The #1 focus for all is a buyout in quick order; depending on the next few drill results, I'm sure Teck will not want any more drills going into the ground to prove up more.

Great to read this nerve calming document over in more detail (and the others on SEDAR). What a solid project that WILL go into production one day. Everything is being lined up ... other than the delays, there is method to the madness of management I believe and 2011 was even the biggest drilling season yet in terms of metres drilled by the Copper Fox team (from 2004-2011).

A small excerpt is below from pages 5-6 with some bolding:

Cheers to all ... and yes, I'm window shopping already for a new car that the Fox is kindly going to be providing me with.

The majority of the resources defined to date at Schaft Creek are in the Liard zone. The 2010 geophysical program and the pre 2010 drilling results strongly suggest this zone occurs on the flank of the deposit and the Paramount zone, at the north end of the deposit is the core of the porphyry system, where deep and higher grade mineralization would be expected to occur. So far, the 2010 and 2011 drilling completed in the Paramount zone support this interpretation.

The value of a mineral project has two major components, the Net Present Value (“NPV”) of the mineral deposit based on a feasibility study and the value related to the potential of finding additional mineralization. Copper Fox identified four aspects of the preliminary feasibility study that would have a direct impact on improving the economics of the Schaft Creek deposit. These are: i) define a three year high-grade starter pit, ii) increase the daily milling capacity, iii) reduce capital costs, and iv) complete a realistic resource estimate geared toward maximizing the economic return/benefits of the Schaft Creek deposit over the life of mine.

The above four points are being assessed in the feasibility study currently underway. Due to the limited amount of drilling completed, only a portion of the deep zone of higher grade mineralization intersected in 2010 was included in the resource estimate. After completion of the feasibility study additional drill testing of the deep zone of higher

grade mineralization is being considered and if successful, is expected to add considerable value to the Schaft Creek mineral property.

Porphyry copper deposits usually occur in clusters, typically referred to as a district. There is no reason to suspect that Schaft Creek is different than other porphyry districts. The Schaft Creek project consists of 30,118.4 Ha, of which approximately 1,500 Ha has been explored to date. To identify/add value over and above that established by the feasibility study, Copper Fox has completed a high sensitivity airborne geophysical survey over the entire Schaft Creek property to identify other potential areas of porphyry style mineralization.

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