Copper Fox Metals Inc.

Welcome To the Copper Fox Metals Inc. HUB On AGORACOM Copper Fox Metals is a Canadian-based resource company focused on developing the world-class Schaft Creek Project in northwestern British Columbia.
in response to mogeyman's message

I don't want to wait until even the next trading day to get any new found money invested because we have so many "new target" cores overdue and because we have had such a long stretch of "quiet" on the insider front (maybe great core results are in but Teck hasn't signed off? maybe other negotiations?)

Monday could be our last chance at getting ridiculousy cheap shares - just a gut feeling in the recent context of Teck tipping their hand on CF and an observed turn in market sentiment with this week's surprise central banks' coordination and good local economic outlook improvements. Notice that no one anymore talks about double dip recession? We got good GDP and Employment numbers revised yet higher.

If the European Bozos can keep from stuffing ther feet in their mouths for a week we should have a great week in the markets. I suspect that the markets will be headline driven for a couple of months yet before most are back to focusing on the improving fundamentals.

Copper chart looks fantastic. Copper will tell us if the world is back to focusing on the fundementals. If copper gets over $3.80 watch around the world will absolutely rocket.

Plus, closer to home, CUU News could come out at anytime now and it could be major.

Have a great weekend everyone

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