Catalyst Copper's Profile

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Last changed at 24-Jan-2012 08:13PM by RockLicker

Management & Directors

  • John W. Greenslade

    President & CEO, Director

    Mr. Greenslade began his career in the mining industry in 1968. He graduated from the University of British Columbia (“UBC”) in 1972 with a Bachelor of Applied Science in Mineral Engineering and joined Placer Development Corp. (now Barrick Gold Corporation) as a metallurgist. Mr. Greenslade received a Master of Engineering degree in 1975 from the UBC and also graduated with a Bachelor of Laws in 1978 from the UBC Faculty of Law. Mr. Greenslade was admitted as a member of the Association of Professional Engineers for the Province of British Columbia in 1976 and was admitted as a Member of the Law Society of British Columbia in 1979. He practiced law with the firm of Clark Wilson until 1981 when he co-formed the law firm Holmes Greenslade. His legal practice has focused on mining, corporate and securities law, as well as cross border tax issues and offshore trusts. Mr. Greenslade has been involved in the funding of numerous mining projects, at all stages of exploration, development and production, in various capacities, including legal counsel and director of a TSE listed company, from October 1995 to July 1999 and a TSX company from 1992 to present. Mr. Greenslade has been involved with the Boleo Property since 1992, initially in its' identification and staking and thereafter as a director of Terratech or Mintec.

  • Terrance W. Hodson

    VP Exploration & Director

    Mr. Hodson graduated from the University of British Columbia with a Bachelors of Science (Honours) Geology (1980). He has worked continuously in the mining industry since graduation in the areas of exploration and resource evaluation, as well as 12 years in operations. Most recently, he was with Teck Resources Ltd. as Assistant Manager, Advanced Projects. He has been a member of the Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of British Columbia (P.Geo) since 1992.

  • Gordon Keep


    Gordon Keep has extensive business experience in investment banking and creating public natural resource companies. Mr. Keep currently is Executive Vice-President of Fiore Financial Corporation, a private boutique merchant banking firm. He also serves as an officer and/or director for several natural resource companies. From January 2001 to July 2007, Mr. Keep was Managing Director of Corporate Finance at Endeavour Financial Corporation, September 1997 until March 2004, he was Senior Vice President and a director of Lions Gate Entertainment Corp., and from April 1987 until October 1997, he was Vice President, Corporate Finance in the Natural Resource group of Yorkton Securities Inc. He obtained his B.Sc. in Geological Science from Queen’s University in 1979 and his Master’s of Business Administration from the University of British Columbia in 1983 and is a Professional Geologist in the province of British Columbia.

  • Honourable John D. Reynolds


    One of Canada’s best-known former politicians, John Reynolds brings Catalyst Copper more than 20 years' experience in government and more than 10 years’ experience in venture capital and strategic business development. Reynolds served 25 years as a Member of Parliament, including a term as Leader of the Opposition in the House of Commons. He was also a provincial cabinet minister in his home province of British Columbia. Reynolds played a major role in the development and execution of Prime Minister Stephen Harper’s successful national election campaign in 2006. John was appointed as a Senior Strategic Advisor to Lang Michener law firm in Vancouver and has been appointed as a member of the Queen's Privy Council for Canada.

  • Gerald D. Prosalendis


    Mr. Prosalendis brings to the Company his experience in corporate strategy, markets, shareholder relations and communications. He was the Vice President Corporate Development of Western Silver Corporation and was involved in the successful sale of that company in 2006 to Glamis Gold Ltd. for $1.6 billion. He was also Vice President Corporate Development of Dia Met Minerals Ltd., a member of the team that developed the Ekati diamond mine and was involved in the sale of Dia Met to BHP Billiton for $687 million in 2001. Mr. Prosalendis has been a consultant to Anderson & Schwab Inc., a mineral and business firm based in New York, a Senior Counselor for James Hoggan & Associates of Vancouver and an advisor to public and private companies in the natural resources, high technology and biotechnology sectors. He also worked as a financial services analyst for a brokerage firm.

  • Denby Greenslade

    Corporate Secretary & Interm CFO

    Ms. Greenslade graduated from Simon Fraser University, British Columbia with a Bachelor of Arts in Communication. She has worked as a Corporate Secretary and Director for several companies in the mining and IT industries and is constantly updating her business training. She is responsible for the creation and regulation of the Company’s corporate governance structures, policies and mechanisms; corporate communication, conduct and regulatory compliance in both Canada and the United States; board and shareholder meetings and communication; office and personnel management; creation and administration of company policies and procedures; and implementation of corporate-wide management and document retention systems. She devotes all her time to the company.

Broker Fact Sheet

  • CCY Broker Fact Sheet
    Thu Mar 29, 2019
    Fact sheet details
Catalyst Copper
240,979,846 I/O Sept 30/2011
Metals & Minerals
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