Canada Carbon Inc

Welcome To The Bolero Resources HUB On AGORACOM A junior natural resource company focused on the acquisition and exploration of precious and base metal properties in Canada and United States.

News release after news release, CCB is proving that the vein graphite it has found is as good as or better than any other natural graphite on earth. This kind of graphite can sell for $10k to $30k per ton as is well documented.

The big question is does CCB have the quantity required to make their project economical. I believe it is very likely and more than that, I believe their are sitting on a 40km+ belt of vein graphite that will yield multiple deposits.

Consider this info from the Walker mine near Buckingham, a little over 40kms away from the Miller mine:

Knowing that historic works reveal the presence of more than 30 pits over the Walker Mine region, these multiple vein graphite occurrences and showings are good indicators of the potential of the property for new graphite discoveries and extension presence on the Walker mine. Compilation by: Steven Lauzier, Geo. Stag. #1430

Mr. Lauzier is also the Geo for CCB and for Caribou which had the Calumet mine claims which CCB has now acquired. Here is a quote from Caribou:

Caribou King's Calumet Project Geologist Steven Lauzier, P. Geo. states, "The graphitic marble block discovered at Calumet shows the high potential of the area and also reveals that more vein graphite mineralization can be present in the immediate area, probably due to a similar mineralization process as the Miller graphite hydrothermal system. The sulphidic block is also an indicator that hydrothermal processes may have happened in the area."

So back in the early 1900s, 3 graphite mines were in operation, all mining vein graphite and these mines were up to 40kms apart. Considering how rare vein graphite is, it would stand to reason that the same geological event created all these deposits. Considering that they had no way of identifying deposits except if they were at surface back in the early 1900's and that graphite responds very well to geophysics, CCB is staring at a vein graphite belt which has never been explored with the latest geophysics tools. CCB is set to begin drilling in the next few weeks on the targets that have been identified by geophysics. Looking at their geophysics map:

They have 5 great targets to go after and if even 1 or 2 of them holds vein graphite of similar grade-around 30% or more-it will not take much ore to have a very economic deposit.

Now, this map is of the East Block. They also have the West Block

which has another 4 main targets to go along with dozens of smaller targets. In all, CCB now has over 100 sq km of land where they own 100% right too on this vein graphite belt. I do not remember a company having more prospective land than CCB owns here. The current market cap is a joke and will not be here for long IMO.

Management is also doing a great job here of keeping investors informed with frequent news releases. Management also managed the last private placement at a 20% premium to the market price. They are doing all the things I want to see in a junior and is why I have very high hopes for this company. It will be an exciting summer for these guys and their investors!


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Canada Carbon Inc
101,364,074 F/D Nov 02/2015
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