Canada Carbon Inc

Welcome To The Bolero Resources HUB On AGORACOM A junior natural resource company focused on the acquisition and exploration of precious and base metal properties in Canada and United States.

CCB's graphite is not only rare its now unique. From this news release.........

Dr. Karol Putyera, Vice President for GDMS Services at EAG-NY stated that, "The high temperature heat treatment experiment clearly points towards unique physical characteristics of this Miller vein material. In all my years of analyzing graphite this behavior is unprecedented"

This may not have an immediate market impact but it will going forward. High purity graphite is what sells in this market and high grade synthetic graphite is commanding $25,000 to $35,000/ ton. The advantage CCB has is their natural graphite meets and exceeds the best synthetic out there. Synthetic graphite costs a literal fortune to produce whereas CCB's is extremely cost effective. CCB's main surface deposit is on private property with excellent infrastructure and this combination takes things to another level in ease of permitting and extraction.

CCB presently has 670 tons stockpiled from previous exploration. At only $15,000 / ton and allowing for only 30% pure graphite equals 200 tons X $15,000 = $3,000,000. A bulk sample permit is pending and the money from this 670 tons will fund exploration and negate the need for stock dilution going forward. Considering how frugal management has proven to be so far this money will go a long way in expanding the resource.

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Canada Carbon Inc
101,364,074 F/D Nov 02/2015
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