Biocentric Energy Holdings Inc's Profile

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The team of BioCentric Energy Algae delivers cost-effective photobioreactor systems that take the emissions from smoke stacks, and in a closed loop environment, grow algae for production and harvest profitably.

BioCentric Energy Holdings, Inc. is dedicated to the development of new technologies as well as acquiring and fostering companies with innovative technologies designed to provide unique and effective green energy solutions for the 21st century. Along with the cultivation of important relationships and partnerships with synergistic entities, BioCentric Energy has devoted substantial time and effort in research and development in order to bring a range of innovative green alternatives to the marketplace

Last changed at 22-Apr-2011 10:44AM by jcwillis

Management & Directors

  • Dennis Fisher

    CEO & President (Board Member)

    Mr. Fisher has more than 24 years of business management experience and has successfully assisted early stage companies in capital formation, strategic planning, and business growth.
    Recently Mr. Fisher was nominated to the position of both CEO & President of BioCentric Energy, Inc. & BioCentric Energy Consortium, Inc. Without Mr. Fisher’s guidance and determination the worldwide consortium network that he has developed would not have come to fruition.

    As Executive Vice President of Approved 1st. Mr. Fisher authored training and sales materials including the Prospectus to generate internal financing to fund leasing solutions while penetrating new markets to deliver multiple financing solutions for their clients. While with 1st Net Technologies (OTC BB FNTT) for four years, Mr. Fisher held the title of Division Vice President and negotiated a myriad of hybrid innovative technologies to deliver integrated cost effective sales solutions for their clients. He envisioned, mapped, and engineered marketing and sales solutions that delivered both complex and subdued branding campaigns for their clients. Sold, authored, and directed multiple multimedia projects simultaneously.

    Mr. Fisher held the position of Vice President of Sales – Technology Guardian (OTC BB ASAT). While there, he conceptualized, authored, and implemented National VAR Program for Satellite Internet Telephony, Broadcasting, and Multicasting. He negotiated and brought to fruition VAR relationships with Lucent, HP, COMPUSA, & Galaxy Internet and created and managed 32 VAR Relationships in 16 Western states. Instrumental in providing the Sales and Marketing Plans to go public while his average of sales increased by 23.5% annually over his tenure.

    Mr. Fisher has the proven ability to utilize people and resources effectively and profitably as a highly perceptive, skillful individual in identifying strengths, thereby enhancing the selection of key personnel to facilitate efficient and effective operations.

  • Dennis K. Shen

    Chief Operations Officer – President of BioCentric Energy Algae (Board Member

    oriented executive with repeated proven record to be the top fastest growing wireless internet company in the region. (Certified by Ernst and Young) Experienced in hiring, training, motivation and mentoring wireless internet sales, technical, operational and support team in both the entry and executive level.

    Consistent entrepreneur spirit in developing new wireless vertical markets in wireless internet.
    The go to person to solve customer issues, both from a procedural, customer support, and technical level.
    Developed cost effective technique to maintain customers in a dynamic wireless environment.
    Wrote the standard operating procedure and Technical manual for two wireless internet companies.
    Experienced in M&A of companies in both the acquirer and acquired role.
    Successfully took a company public in 4 years from startup.
    Setup, design and implement one of the earliest (1996) metropolitan wide wireless network on Unlicensed broadband frequency.
    Other Notes:

    Ernest and Young top 50 fastest growing company in 2001 as Chairman of the board and President
    Silicon Valley Business Journal ‘Top 50′ Lists as Board of directors and CTO
    Guest speaker as “Chin

  • Paul J. McGuire

    Chief Technical Advisor

    Mr. McGuire has over thirty-nine years of experience in the energy business and joins BioCentric Energy, Inc. from General Electric where he was the Senior Business Manager developing cogeneration, syngas and distributive power projects in the western United States and Canada. Mr. McGuire has received a B.S. in Mechanical Engineering from Villanova University and M.S. in Nuclear Engineering from New York University and received a Six Sigma – Green Belt Certification from the General Electric Company. His responsibilities include, but are not limited to, identifying projects, analyzing energy usage, monitoring the installation and startup of Planet Positive Projects. He has managed waste-to-energy projects in North America and Europe. Prior to General Electric, Mr. McGuire was Vice President at Touchstone Energy where he was responsible for the development of energy projects including performance contracting, CHP projects, operating and maintenance services, and natural gas and electricity sales for the western United States. Previously Mr. McGuire was a Regional Manager for PG&E Energy Services Company where the responsibilities included performance contracting, energy analyzes CHP projects, and natural gas and electricity sales. Mr. McGuire position with TRI International was Vice President for Energy Services where he developed energy projects and consulting services. Mr. McGuire was a consultant with the Arizona Public Service Company where he reported to CEO and President and was responsible for the oversight of the construction completion, startup and initial operations of the Palo Verde Nuclear Power Plant and as a consultant and founder of United Energy Services, Mr. McGuire and his team of 150 employees provided management services to commercial nuclear power plants. Mr. McGuire was plant manager of the Pilgrim Nuclear Power Plant while with Boston Edison Company where his tasks included operations and maintenance, modifications and outages of the plant. After TMI, he was an INPO Evaluation Team Manager responsible for improving safety at commercial nuclear power plants. Also while at GE, Mr. McGuire was a Shift Supervisor for construction and startup of the Cooper Nuclear Plant. In addition, as a Contract Service Engineer, he was responsible for outage planning and implementation at five sites, two of which were in Japan. Mr. McGuire started his career in the mid 1960’s as a Plant Engineer for the Long Island Lighting Company responsible for I&C, maintenance and operations at the Northport Power Station.

  • Yury Rahubin

    Chief expertise in fossil fuel and renewable energy fields:

    Worldwide connections with fossil and renewable energy technology providers
    Strong expertise in feasibility study process management and report creation
    Turn-key industrial project development and management
    Over 10 years of hands-on expertise in marketing of equipment and engineering services
    Languages: Bilingual, proficient knowledge of English and Russian languages.

    Markets: Established connections with years of experience in Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Czech Republic, Latvia, and selected countries of European Union.

    Education: Graduated in 1997 with honors (Red Diploma) from Kyrgyz Institute of Industrial Architecture and Construction. Received Masters in International Economic Relations with minors in industrial construction. In 1994 received full scholarship and completed 1 year as an exchange student in the United States.


    1999-Present: Director of marketing and project development / feasibility study

    Key Industry Engineering Group, s.r.o. Czech Republic Oil and Gas process engineering and turn-key construction.

    During my involvement, the company built relationships with most of existing and potential clients worldwide. Successfully had been completed 5 oil refineries from start to finish.
    Conducting feasibility studies for all ongoing and new projects and passing the ready-to-implement projects to the engineering department.
    Researching new technologies available globally, thorough analyzing and once selected, bringing them in for implementation at the company client sites.
    Coordinating chief engineering staff to produce basic design and calculate material balances for new projects. Once completed, translating the data into business language and creating financial projections according to the international planning standards.
    2006- Present: Managing Director of Key Group s.r.o, division of Key Industry Engineering Group. This company was primarily set up to research and create its own renewable and waste-to energy technologies. As a result, the company received funding and invested in 3 technologies: processing of various gas feedstock to algae, processing of ethanol waste and CO2 into biogas and algae, processing of municipal solid waste into syngas. Today, all three technologies have been developed and transferred to the engineering division for the process design and scalability to the industrial level.

    1997-1999: Vostok oil LTD. Sr. Economist / investment operations and feasibility study management.

    Vostok Oil is the owner of 2 refineries in Kyrgyzstan. I joined the company before the plans to build its 2nd refinery. My primary role in the company was creation of the feasibility study and business plan for the company expansion and construction its’ 2nd refinery. Once the business plan was completed, I was also in charge of applying for funding, which had been approved and received from various institutional and private funding sources, including EBRD (European Bank of Reconstruction and Development).

  • Ing. Petr Kaštánek

    Director of R&D

    2003 - 2007 VŠCHT Praha, PhD study in the field of Chemical Technology

    1989 - 1994 VŠCHT Praha, (Institute of Chemical Technology, Prague), faculty of Chemical Engineering, Processes and equipment for chemical productions

    Work experience:

    2003: In charge of development of projects and technologies for the production of biofuels from waste and biomass in various locations of Czech Republic. Industry areas mainly included:

    Biomass (wood cheaps) gasification
    Stillage-2-biogas production with utilization of CO2 for production of algae
    Ethanol and bio ethanol production
    2002 - 2006: RD Director and shareholder of BIOCEN LABORATORIES Prague and BIOCEN Group, manufacturer of novelty functional drinks and dietary supplements based on rare botanicals and healing plants.

    1999 - 2002: R/D manager and shareholder of ENVIRO-DEKONTA Ltd. Bratislava, application of chemical Technologies for the area of environmental chemistry in the territory of Slovak republic.

    1999 - 2003: Adviser for introduction of environmental, chemical and pharmaceutical technologies into the industrial scale, realization of implementation of environmental Technologies from laboratory scale into the industrial steady operation, participation on the project and member of research teams for toxic waste treatment facility in the Technological and innovation Centre Príbram, project supervised by US Trade Development Agency. co-author of technology for PCB waste disposal, awarded as „Best Innovative Technology in 2001 in the Czech Republic. Co-operation on projects in the field of chemistry of silicates - special concrete’s and construction materials. Adviser and co-operation on implementation of pharmaceutical chemistry and its international transfer to the area of Central Americ. Realization of projects of manufacture of chemical, pharmaceutical and cosmetic products.

    1995 - 1999: Technical director of ENVIRO Technology Ltd. Research and development of Technologies for toxic waste treatment and chemical production, awards in international technology exhibitions in 1995, leadership of collective of chemical and marketing specialists, participation on international projects (e.g. environmental management of the region Turcks and Caicos Islands, Caribbean), Implementation of various chemical productions

    Author of several patents, know-how and publications from the field of chemical and pharmaceutical technology.

  • Prof. Ing. František Kaštánek, DrSc

    Chief scientific advisor

    Academic Experience:

    Principle Professor in Chemical Engineering and Bioengineering, Prague Institute of Chemical Technology, from 1988. (Teaching graduated and post-graduated courses in Bioengineering and Biotechnology and Environmental Chemical Engineering on Prague Institute of Chemical Technology and Technical University (Dept. Chemical Technology) in Brno, Czech Republic.).Visiting Professor: Dept. Chem. Eng., Universidad de La Habana, Cuba, 1964, 1966-67, ICIDCA Habana (adviser), 1980-1981, Universidad de Sur, Bahía Blanca, Argentina, 1989. Dept. Chem. Eng., Regional Research Laboratory, Hyderabad, India, 1988. University Oldenburg, Germany, 1987.

    Scientific Activities:

    in fundamental and applied research in hydrodynamics and mass transfer in multiphase reactors and bioreactors and in environmental chemical engineering and environmental biotechnology (solutions of new types of technologies for degradation of hazardous compounds in soils and groundwater). Over 100 original papers in international and national journals including two monographs: Bioengineering (Academia, Prague 2001) and Chemical Reactors for Gas-Liquid Systems (Horwood, Chichester, England 1992), and author of more than 10 (in industrial application) Czech Patents including new modes of application of technologies for destruction of chlorinated organic compounds, mainly PCBs and Freons.

    Administrative Position:

    1996: In charge of environmental projects in the Institute of Chemical Process Fundamentals (ICPF), Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic

    1990-1995: Director of the Institute ICPF, Prague. (Staff : 260, among them 140 with MS degree and 80 with PhD degree) Scientific Secretary of the Czech Chemical Society. Director of the Technology Centre of the Czech Academy of Sciences

    1990-1995: Chairman of the Council for Environmental Projects and Ecology, Ministry of Economy of the Czech Republic

    1988-1990: Vice-director of the ICPF

    1964-1989: Head of research group, in ICPF, Head of the Dept.Chemical and Biochemical Reactors

    Honors and Awards:

    The Prize of the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences in 1986 “Multiphase Chemical Reactors” and a Prize of the Czechoslovak Chemical Society: “Development of Chemical Engineering in Czechoslovakia “, 1990.
    Grand Prize “Eco-Praga 1995”: Sodium Methods for Liquidation of PCB Wastes, Ministry of Environment of the Czech Republic.
    Balling Medal of Merit (Prague Institute of Chemical Technology),2005: Development of Bioengineering and Environmental Biotechnology in the Czech Republic
    Selection of Some Recent Papers:

    Kaštánek F.: Bioengineering. Academia, Prague 2001.
    Kaštánek F., et all: PCB- Approaches to removal from the environment, in: Innovative Approaches to On-Site Assessment and Remediation of Conatminated Sites (D.Reible, K.Demnerova, Eds.) NATO Science Series, IV.Earth and Environmnetal Scieneces-Vol 15, Kluwer Academic Publ., The Netherlands, pp.217- 263, 2002.
    Kaštánek F., Kaštánek P.: Combined decontamination processes for wastes containing PCBs. J.Hazardous Mater. B117,185-205 (2005).
    Kaštánek F., Kuraš M.: Complex treatment of soils contaminated by organic compounds, In: Coastal environment-incorporating oil spil studies (Brebbia C.A., Saval Perez, J.M., Eds.) WITT Press, Southampton 2004.
    Kaštánek F., Kaštánek P., Demnerova K., Maleterová Y.: Decontamination of wastewater contaminated by polychlorinated biphenyls. Water Sci.Technol. 50, No.2., 131-139 (2004).
    Škvára F., Kaštánek F., et all: Solidification of waste steel foundry dust with Portland cement. J. Hazardous Mater. B89 , 67 (2002).
    Kaštánek F.,Maléterová Y., Kastanek P., Rott J., Jiricny Vl., Jiratova K.: Complex treatment of wastewater and groundwater contaminated by halogenated organic compounds. Desalination 211, 261-271 (2007).
    Kastanek F., Maleterova Y., Kastanek P.: Combination of Advanced Oxidation and/or Reductive Dehalogenation and Biodegradation for the Decontamination of Waters Contaminated with Chlorinated Organic Compounds. Separation Science and Technology 42:7,1613-1625 (2007).

  • Ing. Jirí Rott

    Sr. Technical Engineer

    35 years experience in R&D and technological services, especially in cement production technology, thermal techniques, energy auditing, environmental consultancy, project management.

    Company and project management in the field of engineering and consulting services for industry and government, participation in international environmental programs (Phare/Tacis, GEF/WB, Eureka/EU, UNDP)
    Emission measurement - stack testing (particulates – isokinetic methods, gaseuos compounds, PCB, PCDD+DF sampling and analysis), continuos monitoring, sampling and manual testing, QA/QC, development and testing of procedures and methods, production of sampling and testing equipment
    Waste management, waste processing incl. oil sludges, hazardous waste incineration, incl. waste derived fuels utilization in cement and industrial kilns and boilers, combustion tests design and evaluation, EIA, EA
    Environmental legislation - co-operation with MOE CR in legislation approximation etc. (proposal of emission standards, measuring methodology and evaluation, EU and US EPA standards), approximation strategy, implementation plans
    Key qualifications:

    Technology works evaluation and design, process measurements and analysis
    Heat and mass balances of technologies, energy auditing
    Air quality monitoring, stack testing, continuous emission monitoring, emission systems design, deliveries, operation and services
    Service and consulting activities for continuous emission analysers (both in-situ and sampling techniques)
    Development and production of gas sample conditioning and sampling equipment for CEMS
    Participation and management of Projects namely in the field of flue gas desulphurization, waste processing and waste derived fuels utilisation
    Environmental legislation incl. EU and US EPA, EIA, EA
    Project management , International Project Management
    Membership of professional bodies:

    Czech Association of IUAPPA - co-founder, president
    Association of Emission Measurement Laboratories - co-founder, member of the Board
    Air Protection (Journal) - member of the Board
    Publications: about 30 Lectures and Papers on

    Air protection, emission monitoring, energy auditing
    Waste disposal (thermal treatment), waste management
    Technological evaluation and recommendations
    About 150 Project Reports and 12 Patents

  • Prof. Dr. Katerina Demnerová, CSc

    Scientific advisor/lead

    Administrative Position:

    1997 –Present: Director of Microbiology Department
    (At the Prague Institute of Chemical Technology)

    1985 – 97: Associated Professor Microbiology (genetics of microorganisms, production of microbial enzymes, food microbiology, biodegradation of organic pollutants)

    1974 – 85: Research Assistant Microbiology (genetics of microorganisms, food microbiology, production of microbial enzymes)

    1970 – 73: Assistant to Professor Microbiology (genetics of microorganisms, food microbiology)


    Member of Scientific Board of Faculty of Food and Biochemical Technology, ICTP
    Member of Scientific Board of Faculty of Water Technology and Environment, ICTP
    Member of Scientific Board of Institute of Microbiology, Academy of Sciences, Prague
    Chairman of technical Committee for Micorbiologii at the Czech Institute for

    Member of Committee of Czechoslovak Society for Microbiology
    Member of Editioral Board of Journals : International MicrobiologyISSN11396709, International Biodeteriration and Biodegradation,ISSN 0964-8305
    Member of European Network of Genetically Modified Microorgranisms Laboratories (ENGL, Ispra, Italy)
    Member of EA WG FOOD TESTING: Accreditation of GMO Laboratories
    Professional Affiliations:

    Member of Czechoslovak Society for Microbiology
    Member of the Czech Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
    Member of the Biodeterioration Society (international)
    Member of the Czech Biotechnology Society
    Member of the Czech Society of Biology
    Member of the Czech Chemi

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Energy & Environment
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