Apella Resources Inc.

Focused on prime exploration projects in North America. World-Class Vanadium Development

Anyone care to interpret these results? How do the percentages stack up?



44.24% Fe2O3, 7.90% TiO2, and 0.53% V2O5

Vancouver, BC - Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Apella Resources Inc.(TSX.V: APA); (Frankfurt Symbol: NWN)and its Board of Directors are pleased to announce that the Company has received the first results of its 2nd Phase of diamond drilling on its Iron-T Vanadium-Iron-Titanium project ideally situated near the mining town of Matagami, Quebec.

These initial assay results from six of the recent drill holes carried out have delivered further positive findings. Apella's previous work; channel sampling, stripping, mag surveying and Phase 1 diamond drilling on the Iron-T established and confirmed the presence of significant Vanadium, Titanium, and Iron mineralization. These follow up drill programs are designed to lengthen the strike and increase the volume of the extensive mineralized zones running 10.3 kms west to east through the Iron-T.

Core sample assays for six of the 2010 Phase 2 drill holes have now been reviewed and Apella can confirm that the Company has intersected significant disseminated, semi-massive and massive vanadiferous mineralization on its Iron-T Vanadium-Iron-Titanium Project.

Highlights of the semi-massive to massive intersections from these initial new Phase 2 results include the following:

Drill Hole MA-10-19 - (114 metres long) has been collared at 50 m East of MA-10-18. This hole successfully intersected two separated mineralized zones and confirmed the extension of the main zone to the East. The lower, second oxide zone, was intersected between 63.35 m and 98.60 m. It returned 44.21 % Fe2O3, 7.62% TiO2 and 0.57% V2O5 over 32.52 m (106.69 feet), including 44.86% Fe2O3, 7.84% TiO2 and 0.58% V2O5 over 20.67 m (67.81 feet). It was preceded by the upper oxide zone which contains a significant 7.72 metre (25.33 feet) core intersection of 39.98% Fe2O3, 7.60 % TiO2 and 0.54% V2O5.

Drill Hole MA-10-18 - (120 metres long) is located 50 m East of MA-09-04 on the main magnetic axis. This hole was targeted to confirm the eastern extension and grades of the mineralized zones, which it did. The hole provided an intersection of 37.39 m (122.67 feet) at 32.12% Fe2O3, 5.71% TiO2 and 0.43% V2O5 including 18.64 m (61.15 feet) of 48.46% Fe2O3, 9.32% TiO2 and 0.66% V2O5.

Drill Hole MA-10-17 - (102 metres long) was collared on a cross-section located between hole LT-98-02 (Noranda-1998) and Apella's Phase 1 Hole MA-09-05. The distance between those previous two holes is 100 m. MA-10-17 successfully intersected four distinct disseminated to massive mineralized zones containing high vanadium grades. Those zones including the lower grades provided a 66.08 m (216.80 foot) long intersection averaging 32.10% Fe2O3, 5.29% TiO2 and 0.42% V2O5; including 26.75 m (87.76 feet) grading 42.90 % Fe2O3, 7.55% TiO2, 0.52% V2O5; 12.30 m (40.35 feet) grading 30.38% Fe2O3, 4.92% TiO2, 0.43% V2O5; 1.08 m (3.54 feet) at 29.58% Fe2O3, 5.21% TiO2, 0.46% V2O5 and 1.75 m (5.74 feet) at 46.48 % Fe2O3, 7.77% TiO2 and 0.77% V2O5.

Drill Hole MA-10-16 - (108 metres long) was collared at mid-distance between Apella Phase 1 Holes MA-09-05 and MA-09-06. MA-10-16 yielded a 15.13 m (49.64 feet) intersection grading 29.40% Fe2O3, 4.33% TiO2 and 0.32% V2O5; which includes four intersections higher than 0.50% V2O5. This same hole also yielded a second 10 m (32.81 foot) wide intersection returning 33.90 % Fe2O3, 5.39% TiO2 and 0.43% V2O5; including 2.50 m (8.20 feet) at 0.55% V2O5. This hole confirms the excellent results obtained previously in Apella's Phase 1 hole MA-09-05.

Drill hole MA-10-15 - (180 metres long) was collared at about 65 m SW of Apella's hole MA-10-14. Utilizing a cut-off of 0.40% V2O5, this hole MA-10-15 yielded a significant 70.90 m (232.61 feet) of 44.22% Fe2O3, 7.90% TiO2 and 0.53% V2O5. This hole is located on the same cross-section of Apella's Phase 1 hole MA-09-11, however, with an opposite azimuth (see results of MA-09-11 in Apella's Press Release dated January 18, 2010).

Drill Hole MA-10-14 - (117 metres in length), was bored on the same cross-section as Apella's Phase 1 holes MA-09-02 and MA-09-06, situated in the central part of the main known mineral deposit. With the mineralized intersection from Apella's new hole MA-10-14, combined with the mineralized layers intersected in Apella's Phase 1 drill holes MA-09-02 and MA-09-06 the total width of this specific oxide mineralization is now confirmed over 310 metres (1,017 feet). This hole was primarily intended to intersect a second E-W magnetic axis and to provide a stratigraphic cross-section. It intersected six (6) disseminated to semi-massive Fe-Ti-V mineralized layers ranging from 1 m (3.28 feet) to 20 m (65.62 feet) (true thickness) over a horizontal width of 75 m (246.06 feet).

The best intersections from hole MA-10-14 were obtained from a 29.61 m (97.15 foot) long drill core intersection (20 m/65.62 feet true thickness) which averages 20.77% Fe2O3, 3.06% TiO2, and 0.21% V2O5; including 1.25 m (4.10 feet) of 41.29% Fe2O3, 8.13% TiO2 and 0.61% V2O5, and 1.25 m (4.10 feet) of 41.80% Fe2O3, 5.74% TiO2 and 0.41% V2O5.

Other disseminated to semi-massive intersections in this hole MA-10-14 are as follows:

- 16.50 m (54.13 feet) at 12.51% Fe2O3, 1.38% TiO2, and 0.14% V2O5;
- 9.67 m (31.73 feet) at 15.67% Fe2O3, 1.61% TiO2, and 0.16% V2O5;
- 7.50 m (24.61 feet) at 13.28% Fe2O3, 1.49% TiO2, and 0.15% V2O5;
- 3.00 m (9.84 feet) at 15.52% Fe2O3, 3.06% TiO2, and 0.12% V2O5;
- 1.25 m (4.10 feet) at 12.05% Fe2O3, 1.59% TiO2, and 0.12% V2O5.

The above results indicate that the mineralized zones over the Iron-T extend to the East and are still open in both directions and at depth.

The drill results for holes MA-10-20 to MA-10-24 inclusive are still to come, and are expected to be released within the following 2 weeks.

The above drill intersects are compiled from 307 core samples that were submitted with blanks to ALS-Chemex for assaying, a commercial laboratory with ISO 9001:2000 certification. All samples were assayed for major elements including total iron and titanium dioxide by lithium borate fusion to dissolve resistive minerals followed by X-Ray fluorescence spectrometry (ME-XRF06 package). Vanadium content was also determined by X-ray fluorescence using ore grade procedures (V-XRF10).

The QC/QA program implemented by the Apella's QP, was applied. In addition, several core samples have been sent to Dr. M. Taner for an examination with microscope and microprobe.

Dr. Christian Derosier, P.Geo, Consulting Geologist, is the Qualified Person responsible for the scientific and technical work for the program as defined under National Instrument 43-101 and has reviewed this press release.

"Patrick D. O'Brien"
Patrick D. O'Brien - Chairman

For further information please call 1-800-663-8990 or feel free to visit http://www.Apellaresources.com. To be added to the email distribution list for news releases and updates, please email us at apella@apellaresources.com


Renmark Financial Communications Inc.
Barry Mire: bmire@renmarkfinancial.com
Maurice Dagenais:mdagenais@renmarkfinancial.com
Tel.: (514) 939-3989 or (416) 644-2020

S.E.C. Exemption 12(g) 3-2(b) File No. 82-3822, Standard & Poors Listed, Dun & Bradstreet Listed.

Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.

For more information, please contact:

Adrian O'Brien

Director of Business Development
Apella Resources Inc.
(604) 683-8990


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